Monday, October 29, 2012

Lincoln Matthew Daich

Our Little Lincoln is FINALLY here! Although things didn't really go as planned, I am so glad that he is finally here.
All of my prenatal appointments went great and I had a wonderful pregnancy. On October 1st I started having contractions at about 11pm at night. I started timing them and they got closer and closer together until they were about five minutes apart and lasting for about a minute. I was only 36 weeks along so it was  not the ideal time to have him, but because how close they were together and how fast they were coming on Matt and I decided to take a trip to the Hospital and see what they said. After being at the hospital for 3 hours they sent us home. I was still contracting but my cervix was only dialated a finger tip and was not changing. So I went home, kept working, and kept contracting. My contractions became irregular, and I just kept doing everything I was doing thinking that anytime I was going to go into labor sooner than my due date. I ended up in Labor and Delivery One more time. This time I was dialated 1 cm. Just like last time however I was not progressing.
Durring my regular appointments my Dr. had done an ultrasound. He had mentioned every time we had done an ultrasound that Linclon's head was measuring almost 2 weeks ahead of the rest of his body and he was worried that he was going to have a large head. He set my Induction date for Monday October 22. I was to get to the hospital at 7 am to get labor started. 
This is my last pregnancy bump picture. I had Matt take this picture around 1am Monday morning. I was up cleaning and getting ready for Lincoln to make his apperance. I think I got a total of 2 hours of sleep that night.
Matt was really excited that we were at the hospital and we wouldn't be leaving until Lincoln was here! (He was also really tired because I kept him up all night because I was cleaning.)
I was SO ready to get my little guy here! This was taken right after everything was started. My labor was induced at 7 am. I went in dialated to 2 cm. After two hours I was dialated to 4 cm. That made me really happy because I thought that this was going to be a really fast labor! For the next ten hours I did not change. At 6:45 my Dr. came in and said that because I had been stuck in the same place for so long that he would like to do a C-Section. Luckly he had come in an hour earlier and said that if I hadn't progressed that this is what he would feel comfortable doing. I had enough time to digest the thought of a C-Section and came to the conclusion that my little man needed to get here safely and whatever way he he was going to get here that is all that mattered.
Once it was decided that I was going to have a C-Section, Everything went really quick. They came in and started hooking me up to an antibiotic, gave me my hair net and gave Matt his surgical outfit as well. The only real concern I had about having a C-Section was with Matt. He has a hard time seeing me in pain, espically when he can't do anything about it. He did amazing and helped me get though the C- Section. I will NEVER forget the first time I heard Lincoln cry. I am not going to lie I cried like a little baby when I heard him cry.
As the C-Section was hapening, my Dr was telling me that he was little and that he didn't have a very big head. He said the reason that he was stuck was because he was trying to come face up. He said that we could have waited for 10 more hours and he would have probably never made it any further than he had.The hardest part of the C-Section was not being able to hold him right after he was born. Matt got to go with him to the nursery and stayed with him the entire time I was getting closed up.When I finally got to hold my little man I did NOT want to let go. My family and Matts parents were at the hospital by the time Lincoln made his enterance.
Because of my C-Section we stayed until Thursday. We were SO ready to go home by that point and were so excited when we finally made it home.
I am recovering from my C-Sectoin really well. I am VERY lucky because by the next day I was up and walking around. Now the only thing that I am waiting for is the six week mark so I can cary him in his car seat and start running again!
Lincoln Matthew Daich
7:31 PM
7 lbs 1 oz
20 and 1/2 Inches Long
Perfect in EVERY way