Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2 Weeks Old!!

I can't believe that my little guy is already 2 weeks!! We went to his 2 week check up yesterday and are happy to report that EVERYTHING is great! He now weighs 7lbs 5ozs. He is perfect. He sleeps for 4 hours straight at night (which makes me VERY happy.) He loves tummy time, and LOVES his binkie!

We tried breast feeding and it worked for a little while, but Lincoln is just impatient and doesn't get enough fast enough. So I have been pumping and feeding him a breastmilk bottle every two hours. This makes it nice because when Matt is home from work he can feed Lincoln and he feels like he can do a lot more to help out.
He Loves to go on walks! Im very glad that he likes going on walks because this is really the only excersice that I can do for the next four weeks because of my C-Section.
He is already getting so big! I am taking LOTS of pictures so I will remember him at every stage!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Lincoln Matthew Daich

Our Little Lincoln is FINALLY here! Although things didn't really go as planned, I am so glad that he is finally here.
All of my prenatal appointments went great and I had a wonderful pregnancy. On October 1st I started having contractions at about 11pm at night. I started timing them and they got closer and closer together until they were about five minutes apart and lasting for about a minute. I was only 36 weeks along so it was  not the ideal time to have him, but because how close they were together and how fast they were coming on Matt and I decided to take a trip to the Hospital and see what they said. After being at the hospital for 3 hours they sent us home. I was still contracting but my cervix was only dialated a finger tip and was not changing. So I went home, kept working, and kept contracting. My contractions became irregular, and I just kept doing everything I was doing thinking that anytime I was going to go into labor sooner than my due date. I ended up in Labor and Delivery One more time. This time I was dialated 1 cm. Just like last time however I was not progressing.
Durring my regular appointments my Dr. had done an ultrasound. He had mentioned every time we had done an ultrasound that Linclon's head was measuring almost 2 weeks ahead of the rest of his body and he was worried that he was going to have a large head. He set my Induction date for Monday October 22. I was to get to the hospital at 7 am to get labor started. 
This is my last pregnancy bump picture. I had Matt take this picture around 1am Monday morning. I was up cleaning and getting ready for Lincoln to make his apperance. I think I got a total of 2 hours of sleep that night.
Matt was really excited that we were at the hospital and we wouldn't be leaving until Lincoln was here! (He was also really tired because I kept him up all night because I was cleaning.)
I was SO ready to get my little guy here! This was taken right after everything was started. My labor was induced at 7 am. I went in dialated to 2 cm. After two hours I was dialated to 4 cm. That made me really happy because I thought that this was going to be a really fast labor! For the next ten hours I did not change. At 6:45 my Dr. came in and said that because I had been stuck in the same place for so long that he would like to do a C-Section. Luckly he had come in an hour earlier and said that if I hadn't progressed that this is what he would feel comfortable doing. I had enough time to digest the thought of a C-Section and came to the conclusion that my little man needed to get here safely and whatever way he he was going to get here that is all that mattered.
Once it was decided that I was going to have a C-Section, Everything went really quick. They came in and started hooking me up to an antibiotic, gave me my hair net and gave Matt his surgical outfit as well. The only real concern I had about having a C-Section was with Matt. He has a hard time seeing me in pain, espically when he can't do anything about it. He did amazing and helped me get though the C- Section. I will NEVER forget the first time I heard Lincoln cry. I am not going to lie I cried like a little baby when I heard him cry.
As the C-Section was hapening, my Dr was telling me that he was little and that he didn't have a very big head. He said the reason that he was stuck was because he was trying to come face up. He said that we could have waited for 10 more hours and he would have probably never made it any further than he had.The hardest part of the C-Section was not being able to hold him right after he was born. Matt got to go with him to the nursery and stayed with him the entire time I was getting closed up.When I finally got to hold my little man I did NOT want to let go. My family and Matts parents were at the hospital by the time Lincoln made his enterance.
Because of my C-Section we stayed until Thursday. We were SO ready to go home by that point and were so excited when we finally made it home.
I am recovering from my C-Sectoin really well. I am VERY lucky because by the next day I was up and walking around. Now the only thing that I am waiting for is the six week mark so I can cary him in his car seat and start running again!
Lincoln Matthew Daich
7:31 PM
7 lbs 1 oz
20 and 1/2 Inches Long
Perfect in EVERY way

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Big 29!

 Matt is now 29! His last year in his twenties! I think that he is still in denial that he will be 30 by this time next year. I am so proud of everything that Matt does! He gets up early and goes to work and stays late so that we can live the life that we live! He is such a great husband and I can't wait to watch him with Lincoln because I KNOW that he is going to be a GREAT father!

Matt is a VERY hard person to shop for and keep surprises from. After trying and failing for the first 2 years to get him something and keep it a secrect I decided this year that I was just going to take him shopping for his gift. (Next year I am going to try and suprise him again.....we will see how that goes.)

Part of the reason he is so hard to surprise is because he always goes out and buys everything that he needs/wants. The one thing I KNEW he would want this year was the Big Bang Theory Season 5. Sure enough when it came out the week before his birthday he came home from work and he gave me that look. The I want something really bad, its my birthday next week, don't say no look. So we ended up going that night and getting his birthday present. I think that he had rewatched every single episode before his birthday the week later. It made him really happy to get this for his birthday so I guess it is ok that I didn't get to surprise him with anything.

On his actual birthday my family gave him FIFA 2012. My little brother Jaxon got Matt way into this game. Whenever we go over to my parents house on sundays Matt and Jax always end up playing this game. I think that he has played it every day since his birthday. Later that night Matt's parents came over and gave him a gift card to ROSS. This was desprately needed! The one thing that he doesn't buy for himself is clothes and he is getting to the point were all his clothes that he likes are getting torn and tattered.

Here is a quick pregnancy update! I am currently 35 almost 36 weeks. Everything is going great! We have everything ready for his arival! All we need is little Lincoln and everything will be complete. I am now going to see Dr. Farley every week. I am currently 50% effaced (at least I am making some progress).

This is my first attempted craft for Lincoln's Room. I think it turned out really good! Now all we need is this little guy to make his apparance! 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pregnancy Update!

I am currently 29 1/2 weeks. This pregnancy is going by SO fast! I love lying in bed at night and in the morning and feeling Lincoln move around. He has had the hiccups a few times. The first time he had the hiccups was at 3:30 in the morning. So it was cute for the first 5 or so minutes but when it went on for about 45 minutes I didn't know what I was going to do with my self.

I had my gestesional diabeties test at 25 1/2 weeks. The drink actually didn't tast that bad. The only thing about it that I couldn't stand was the burning sensation that I got as I swallowed it. It was SO sugary! My blood test came back great! I do have a little Anemia so I take an iron pill along with my regular vitamins but that is no big deal.

For the 24th of July Matts's family went boating at Willard Bay. I didn't participate in any of the boating, but I did go and stayed at the beach for a little while. I have decided that while you I am pregnant my skin is a LOT more sensitive! I put sunscrean on twice for the couple of hours we were there, and still got FRIED! This picture is me at 26 1/2 weeks right after we got home from Willard. If you look closley you can see my sunburn. It HURT!

27 1/2 Weeks

29 1/2 Weeks

I can't wait until October gets here. I can't wait to hold this little guy in my arms. After my next appointment I go to appointments every other week!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Life Has Been CRAZY

Here is an update on what we have been doing over the past 6 months. Life has been so crazy! I need to make an effort to blog more. With that being said hopefully I will have at least two more posts by Christmas. :)


This was a BIG month for us!! For Valentine’s day Matt took me to see the Vow. We had a lot of fun! (I couldn’t ask for a better husband.) We were also going snowboarding and skiing almost every weekend this month. We went up to Powder Mountain and had a great time! Towards the end of the month I started feeling sick. I really didn’t think anything of it. (We have been trying to get pregnant for almost an entire year, we had been let down many times when I thought I was pregnant and I wasn’t.) I finally decided to take a test on Saturday February 18. This was still two days before my period was due and was NOT expecting a positive result. I was at Walmart when I decided I wanted to take the test. ( Like I said before, we had tried for a while and I had gotten Matt’s hopes up enough times I didn’t want to get them up again to only have them be let down yet another time.) So while I was shopping for our weeks worth of groceries, I decided to take a little break and use the bathroom and pee on a stick. After the deed was done I couldn’t bring myself to look at the test. I wanted it SO badly to be positive, that I knew that I would be CRUSHED if it were negative. When I looked at the test , the result line was darker than the control line. I couldn’t believe it! After I finished my shopping I went home and had Matt help me put all the groceries away. (I had also bought a little bib that said “Daddy’s Favorite”) It was so fun to see him grab the bib and just look at it for a minute and then he came over and gave me a big huge hug.

We were going to wait a while to tell our families at first, but that DID NOT WORK! Matt and I were both SO excited that we couldn’t keep it a secret anymore! I went to the store and bought some iron on letters. I made a shirt that said “See you in October”. I put the shirt on and headed over to my parents house. My parents were both SO excited! I showed all my siblings and they were also all very excited! We then headed over to Matt’s Parents house. Tami got it right off the bat, it took Greg a minute to realize what it was saying but once he realized it he was very excited as well. We called all of Matt’s siblings and told them over the phone because it was too late to drive to all their houses. Everyone was SO excited for us and our little bundle of joy that we are going to bring into this world.


During March everything was going great! I did not have morning sickness at all which I was SO grateful for. I went in for my first OB check in March. I got to see our little peanut and see the heartbeat. It was so neat! I was still really nervous because of what had gone wrong with Grace. I kept telling myself that I just needed to have faith that everything would work out the way it should and that helped me out a great deal!

April and May

Once April began so did the morning sickness. (I thought because I had made it this far with no morning sickness I would make it through the entire pregnancy without any…..I was wrong) I kept the morning sickness very well controlled on Zofran. There were a couple of times that I was really sick and I came in and got an IV once, but for the most part it was under control with the Medicine. At the end of May I went in for an appointment and we REALLY wanted to know if we were having a little boy or a little girl. It was VERY apparent to me that we were having a little BOY! It took Matt a while to see it but you could definitely tell that it was a little boy. Matt was SO excited that he was going to have a little boy! We decided on the name Lincoln Matthew Daich. I love it and can’t wait to meet him!
Me at 17 Weeks with Lincoln

He is DEFINATELY a little boy!


We had a very exciting June! We had our big ultrasound to make sure everything was ok with our little Lincoln. Everything looked great and there was definitely no question that he was still a little Lincoln.

We also went to Cedar City with Jaxon and watched him play soccer in the summer games. We had a lot of fun there as well!

At 21 Weeks

I also started making a blanket for Lincoln. Here is a picture of the almost complete blanket. :)


We have had so much fun during the month of July so far. We went to Farmington Pond and to Woodruff for the 4th July has been one jam packed month!

She-Ra's First Parade

First Time at Farmington Pond

Way to Go Matt!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Take Luck! :)

Last September, I bought Brian Regan tickets for this past weekend. At frist I was going to give them to Matt for his birthday. I didn't Get the tickets in the mail in time for his birthday, so I decided that I would give the tickets to him for Christmas. Let me tell you, keeping this a secrect was the hardest thing that I have done in a LONG time. Matt was SO excited!

The show was last night and it was amazing! Not only was Brian Regan really good, but it was fun to watch Matt have so much fun! We also rode Front Runner and Traxs last night. (That was a lot of fun, It was the first time that I had rode either of these. It also made it nice because we didn't have to drive down it the snow.

One of my many newyears resolutions was to keep my blog updated more. I am also starting P90X, this is an AMAZING workout! I think the best thing about it is that I can do it from home and I don't have to go to the gym.

She-Ra is a hand full as usual. When we first got her we didn't get a crate first thing (BIG mistake). We kept her in our bedroom when we were both at work. For a long time this worked fine. But then she found out that she can chew EVERYTHING. TV cords, our Laptop charging cords, and a table that we have in there as well. We decided that it was finally time to get her a crate. This worked for about a week. She can now get out of the crate. We even bought locks for the doors so she wouldn't be able to get out, but she can. When we go to work tomorrow we are going to push our coffee table up aginst the door and see if that works better.

She-Ra in her new crate

Matt and She-Ra